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Everyone’s invited to come out for a walk or jog; make new friends.
Wear comfortable walking shoes, bring water and wear a hat.
SCHEDULE Spring 2024
Mondays – 4:30 pm Last Day will be April 15th
Meet at Palm Ridge Center and park in the lot facing Williams Street.
We will walk/jog from the parking lot along the street to the Javalina Trail.
Bring water/beverage of choice.
If you are not on our email list, email peggyacampbell@gmail.com and we will add you.
If you have questions, call or email any of us listed below.
Peg Campbell, 248-417-5710, peggyacampbell@gmail.com
Pat Nofzinger, 815-382-1010, pnofz@hotmail.com
Ron Campbell, 248-417-5711, roncampbell8@gmail.com
If you are not on our email list, email peggyacampbell@gmail.com and we will add you.