Target Shooting



The Target Shooting Group gets together twice a month during season. The group goes to the range the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.

You must be a current SCW Sportsman’s Club member to participate with the group.

The group has been going to the Wickenburg Sportsmen’s Club for use of its ranges. Many members of the group became Wickenburg members, so the group goes during non-public hours with group members coming as guests. Wickenburg has now limited membership of those outside a 20 mile circle to associate status which has a reduced annual dues. Associate members can bring guests($10 each and limited to 6 times a year). Associate members cannot vote.

We may go to other ranges such as the Ben Avery Shooting Facility or the new ranges on BLM land off of SR 74.

If you are a novice or have not been shooting for a while, we suggest you get some training. The group does not provide training. We can suggest some options.

You are required to have your own eye protection, hearing protection, firearms, ammunition, and targets. 

 Safety is of the utmost importance. Remember – Treat every firearm as loaded. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. Know your target and what is beyond.

Pete Kosky (503)898-2802

Roger Quan (