- Keep distance, be respectful of others.Whip flags highly recommended.
- Lead and Trail buggies at minimum will carry radios.
- Each rider responsible to monitor vehicle behind them, stop if falls out of view.
- Drive at your skill level. If uncomfortable at any point along the trail, stop and someone will help you.
General Guidelines:
Plan 1 to 2 trips per month, generally on Wednesdays.
The primary goal is to have fun! Everybody has different skill level and machine capability, rides will be geared so everyone can enjoy.
Members will be expected to plan and lead rides.
Will discuss interest in annual overnight trips down the road.
ATV/UTV is seeking a volunteer to schedule monthly rides and to schedule a leader for each ride. Please contact President Chuck Bradley if you would be willing to coordinate rides and leaders. The President may be reached through the Club’s email:
Check back for future scheduled rides.